Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Price of a Private School Education

Alright, so I have gotten over the fact the my choice for President was not victorious, I am moving forward. But I have just a few thoughts about Pres elect Obama and one comment in particular that was played in the media - it goes something like - "Since when did selfishness become a virtue?" The comments were in regards to no tax increases for anyone. So those of us that don't want to pay more in taxes are selfish? I guess that is the conclusion that I have drawn from that statement.

Anyway, I began thinking about the choices that each of us make as families - the financial choices, like private school. So get this, the Obama's are looking at two private schools in the DC area for little Sasha and Malia. I did very limited research on these two via the Internet and found that the annual tuition for these two schools begins in the $25,000 range. Yes that is $25,000 per child per year. The highest rate was $29,000. So I'm wondering since Obama's annual salary is $400,000 per year, that means he will be paying about 12% of his annual gross salary in private school tuition, which seems fair. Now, we, the Adams family are paying about 18% of our gross annual salary in private school tuition. I'm just wondering if Pres Obama's "spread the wealth" plan will include an annual payment to the Adams family in the amount equal to the 6% difference it costs us to educate our children? Seems fair since we are spreading the wealth. And one more thing, please do not pretend to represent the middle class when you are looking at spending the amount of my annual salary in private school tuition!


Amy said...

Here, here!

Unknown said...

I just took Bo's application to Shelly, so I'll be glad when the Obama's start "spreading the wealth" too!