Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ten Signs You May be turning into a Cougar

10. You are over 35
9. You start checking out the High School Seniors as they enter the school at drop off and pick up.
8. You make sure you know what time said students arrive at school.
7. You are completely dressed with makeup during drop off and pick up.
6. You are listening to your 8 year olds Jonas Bros cd - on repeat
5. You fall into a mild depression at the end of the High School football season
4. You make regular trips to Chickfila in Perry.
3. You start asking your teenage cousins to make sure to bring their friends to Sunday dinner at Grandmas.
2. You have the uncontrollable urge to volunteer to chaperon the Senior trip.
1. You have a recurring fantasy that your husband was a member of the Brat Pack!


GiGi said...
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GiGi said...

OMG!!! How many do you have to answer yes to before you are a full blown Cougar?

Unknown said...

If #7 is a requirement, I'll never be a cougar!!! I do make sure I'm "dressed" b/4 I strut around campus though.