Do you ever wish you were the dog? This morning as Tee was eating his gourmet breakfast of a frozen waffle (toasted of course!) we were observing the life of Daisy, the chihuahua! She sat on the floor waiting for a crumb - she knows who to sit by - with big ears perked and big eyes just watching, Tee says, "I wish I was Daisy!" I said me too Tee! She really has the life. So we went about naming all of the benefits of being Daisy. In no particular order, because really, when you've got it this good who really cares in which order you receive!
1) Sleeps as late as she wants and naps whenever she wants!
2) Gets to lick the floor - now this one only has significance to Tee since he has been a licker since birth - don't ask - I'm sure it stems from some neuroses I have passed along, the child is very tactile!
3) Even better than sleeping late - she sleeps right between Mommy and Daddy - now this one is the biggest benefit according to Tee.
4) She can play on the furniture - she only weighs 7 pounds so jumping up and down on the furniture is no big deal unless you are a 65 lb 8 year old!
5) No spankings - I mean really who could spank a 7 lb dog?
6) She gets to pee in the floor - once again only significant to Tee!
7) She gets more attention and affection than any one in the house, I mean who could deny her! I believe she is well aware that she has hit the doggy lottery!
8) She is completely unaware that she is the smallest "person" in the house or neighborhood for that matter! Who said denial is a bad thing?
So while we all go about being human all day, Daisy is at home enjoying the fruits of our labor! Thanks Daisy for inspiring us to be more like a dog! Who knew you were the missing member of our family?
1) Sleeps as late as she wants and naps whenever she wants!
2) Gets to lick the floor - now this one only has significance to Tee since he has been a licker since birth - don't ask - I'm sure it stems from some neuroses I have passed along, the child is very tactile!
3) Even better than sleeping late - she sleeps right between Mommy and Daddy - now this one is the biggest benefit according to Tee.
4) She can play on the furniture - she only weighs 7 pounds so jumping up and down on the furniture is no big deal unless you are a 65 lb 8 year old!
5) No spankings - I mean really who could spank a 7 lb dog?
6) She gets to pee in the floor - once again only significant to Tee!
7) She gets more attention and affection than any one in the house, I mean who could deny her! I believe she is well aware that she has hit the doggy lottery!
8) She is completely unaware that she is the smallest "person" in the house or neighborhood for that matter! Who said denial is a bad thing?
So while we all go about being human all day, Daisy is at home enjoying the fruits of our labor! Thanks Daisy for inspiring us to be more like a dog! Who knew you were the missing member of our family?
1 comment:
Baby Girl is a licker too. What's that all about!?!
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