How could I have not been home? I have battled Mommy guilt for years now, but I hadn't felt this distraught in quite some time! I worked late yesterday - which I never do and received a phone call - when I saw the caller id I thought "can he not take care of them for an hour without calling to find out where I am?" But to my surprise it was the sweetest little voice...
Avery: "Mommy?"
Me: Hey sweet pea
Avery: "I lost a tooth!"
Me: How did that happen, you didn't even have one that was very loose!
Avery: "Daddy helped me!"
Me: OK, that explains it!
I'm not much on the tooth pulling - I actually get very grossed out at the whole act and usually leave the room. But let Travis know you "may" have one that is thinking about getting loose and 5 minutes later the tooth fairy is gearing up! Must be a man thing. I just hate that I wasn't there to see the excitement on her face as she looked at that little Chiclet of a tooth and stuck her tongue in the hole it left for the first time! I have posted a pic of the momentous occassion.
I hope the Tooth Fairy is good to Avery tonight!
Thanks for your sweet words. I swear your family is so nice I'm half tempted to ask you to adopt me. :)
And that tootless grin is something to die for!! What a pretty little thing.
Awww...Meg is going to be so jealous!
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