Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ten Signs You May be turning into a Cougar

10. You are over 35
9. You start checking out the High School Seniors as they enter the school at drop off and pick up.
8. You make sure you know what time said students arrive at school.
7. You are completely dressed with makeup during drop off and pick up.
6. You are listening to your 8 year olds Jonas Bros cd - on repeat
5. You fall into a mild depression at the end of the High School football season
4. You make regular trips to Chickfila in Perry.
3. You start asking your teenage cousins to make sure to bring their friends to Sunday dinner at Grandmas.
2. You have the uncontrollable urge to volunteer to chaperon the Senior trip.
1. You have a recurring fantasy that your husband was a member of the Brat Pack!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Daisy update

For all interested in the outcome of little Daisy's procedure here is a priceless for you...

Spaying female Chihuahua: $128

Removing stubborn baby tooth: $20

Treatment for the Mange (yes that's what I said - the hereditary type): $15 per treatment

Insuring that our precious little Daisy stops whoring around the neighborhood: Priceless

Taking the Challenge

We here at the Adams household have taken the 12 days of Christmas Challenge being made by Gigi over at Gigi's 3w's. I have put a little semi slacker (no offense semi slacker mom!) spin on the challenge for the sake of time and so that we may actually succeed at something here at Casa de Adams! I haven't mentioned that we are involved in a challenge but I just incorporate an item/task into our evening routine. Yesterday it worked out that little Avery brought home a candy cane that had the real story of the candy cane printed on the wrapper so we read about the candy cane and each ate a piece. Yesterday we also took Uncle Jamie's Christmas package to the post office so that it will reach Afghanistan in time for Christmas. I have also asked each one of the children's teachers to have the class make Uncle Jamie a Christmas card (being the manipulative, control freak that I am - I didn't mention it to the kids - the teachers just brought it up so they think they are the ones that inspired this task - now Avery would have no problem asking for this but Tee would just as soon poke his own eye out!) Will keep you posted on our progress and hopeful departure from self absorption!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Getting Fixed

On Thursday this week I will take Daisy to the vet to be "fixed". This is the conversation that followed after I told the children:

Avery (in her best little girl voice): Oh little Daisy, you are going to be fixed! I'm so sorry, you will be ok.

Tee: No, I want her to have babies, 17 of them!

Travis: No, we could sell the puppies!

Me: to Avery: She will be fine.
to Tee: no she isn't even having one baby and she couldn't take care of 17!
to Travis: no, you wouldn't sell them so we would end up with 101 Chihuahuas!

Later Avery and I were having our supper (Tee and Travis were at the football "banquet") and she says, "Mommy, did it hurt when you got fixed and did your tummy look gross?"

Those were easy to answer and fortunately I got out of the conversation without having to explain exactly how the babies would get in there if we didn't get her fixed!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Price of a Private School Education

Alright, so I have gotten over the fact the my choice for President was not victorious, I am moving forward. But I have just a few thoughts about Pres elect Obama and one comment in particular that was played in the media - it goes something like - "Since when did selfishness become a virtue?" The comments were in regards to no tax increases for anyone. So those of us that don't want to pay more in taxes are selfish? I guess that is the conclusion that I have drawn from that statement.

Anyway, I began thinking about the choices that each of us make as families - the financial choices, like private school. So get this, the Obama's are looking at two private schools in the DC area for little Sasha and Malia. I did very limited research on these two via the Internet and found that the annual tuition for these two schools begins in the $25,000 range. Yes that is $25,000 per child per year. The highest rate was $29,000. So I'm wondering since Obama's annual salary is $400,000 per year, that means he will be paying about 12% of his annual gross salary in private school tuition, which seems fair. Now, we, the Adams family are paying about 18% of our gross annual salary in private school tuition. I'm just wondering if Pres Obama's "spread the wealth" plan will include an annual payment to the Adams family in the amount equal to the 6% difference it costs us to educate our children? Seems fair since we are spreading the wealth. And one more thing, please do not pretend to represent the middle class when you are looking at spending the amount of my annual salary in private school tuition!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Too Close for Comfort... more from Capt. J Bryant

Hey Beck. I am so sorry that I missed your birthday. We had a guy get hit on Monday by a suicide bomber and we have been by his side all week. He is in Germany now and doing well. He is headed to Walter Reed soon and will recover there. I had hernia surgery last week (I would not recommend surgery in Afghanistan to anyone!). I am allergic to percocet as well so I recovered on Motrin. Not so good either. I am doing well though and our Soldier is ok and that is all that matters. How is everything there? Tell the kids that I said hello and that I love them. We have about 70 days to go. It has gone pretty fast so far. I love you and Happy belated Birthday. Jamie

Ok, so I was a little taken aback by the latest email from Afghanistan. I'm sorry, but I thought you were over there doing some paper work and running in the desert (for exercise) and playing volleyball, not actually in the vicinity of a suicide bomber! Maybe my naivety is the only way I can deal. I don't mean to minimize what you are doing there, but seriously, I can hardly think about the real dangers that you are facing.

Jamie and I have always had a sibling understanding - we don't talk on the phone a whole lot, we are there for each other and know that when the time comes we will work together to make sure our parents are taken care of, but as far as being traditionally close is concerned we aren't two that have to talk every week to know that we are bound, as most siblings, by something a lot closer than a phone line or proximity for that matter. But as I learn more about the dangers he is facing I can only hope that we can at the very least plan a family trip together so that we can learn a little more about the adults that we have become. See you soon, Little Bro, Much Love, Beck

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"Mommy, I lost a tooth!"

How could I have not been home? I have battled Mommy guilt for years now, but I hadn't felt this distraught in quite some time! I worked late yesterday - which I never do and received a phone call - when I saw the caller id I thought "can he not take care of them for an hour without calling to find out where I am?" But to my surprise it was the sweetest little voice...

Avery: "Mommy?"

Me: Hey sweet pea

Avery: "I lost a tooth!"

Me: How did that happen, you didn't even have one that was very loose!

Avery: "Daddy helped me!"

Me: OK, that explains it!

I'm not much on the tooth pulling - I actually get very grossed out at the whole act and usually leave the room. But let Travis know you "may" have one that is thinking about getting loose and 5 minutes later the tooth fairy is gearing up! Must be a man thing. I just hate that I wasn't there to see the excitement on her face as she looked at that little Chiclet of a tooth and stuck her tongue in the hole it left for the first time! I have posted a pic of the momentous occassion.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's Not What You Know, It's Who You Know

Over the course of the past month, we have had the dark cloud of uncertainty over the Adams household. What's going to happen when Travis goes to court? Are we going to fly under the radar with our car insurance? Are we going to be sued for everything we have? (which is not much, but it is ours - and was not acquired by someone spreading the wealth, but I digress!) So for the short version for those out there that have offered your support - We will not have car insurance after the end of November - I guess we will have to get it from some fly by night, insurance Agent from the hood, but that's fine as long as we can get it! We so far have not been sued - I think the gentleman that Travis hit has two years to decide if he is going to do that - but so far the word is that our insurance was "very nice and got him a rental car while he picked out a new car" - let me just say - I don't know that I would have been that nice! And Travis went to court on Tuesday night and was able to plead to reckless driving - he has to pay a fine (equivalent to about 4 new pair of jeans and the Ugg boots I just ordered for myself!) and attend some defensive driving class - which he has been to so many times for work that he should have a lifetime certification already! I am so humbly grateful to God I could just cry. And so could Travis - what a blessing from Above, because Lord knows and Travis knows too that he very well could have ended up under the Ft. Valley jail.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today's Political Observation

According to various news outlets the RNC has spent $150,000 on Sarah Palin's waredrobe. Which has been spun to seem outrageous by the Democrats (of course)! But if you ask me they got quite a bargain 'cause sister is going around looking like a Million bucks! So really haven't they saved $850,000? Just sayin!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Notes from Afghanistan

With all of the political talk, campaigning and war protesting going on I wonder what is really going on over in Afghanistan and Iraq. I have decided to post a quote from my brother, Cpt. Jamie Bryant - he is currently at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan - I hope he doesn't mind - if he does - too bad, I'm older and what I say goes!

This is in response to an email joke about Sarah Palin and Hilary Clinton and then he goes on a little bit...

That is pretty funny. You would get every Soldier if it was Palin. We all love her. I do not know all of you on the address line, but I just wanted you to know that even though you hear in the news that it has been a bloody year in Afghanistan (which is true), you can be sure that we have kept them busy digging graves for themselves as well. And sometimes shooting them as they dig the grave and getting a two for one deal (that is for you Uncle Charlie. I can see you laughing your butt off right now) Say a little prayer for all of the Soldiers here and just know that they are giving it everything that they can and shedding blood for you (and the pansy liberals) each and everyday.

So please try to remember to pray everyday for our soldiers - they are working hard at establishing Democracy over there so that our world is safer - I think we forget the real reason they are there.

I love you little bro - keep your chin up and thanks for all you do. beck

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Economic Stimulus Plan

With all this talk about the economic crisis, I am having an uncontrollable urge to single handidly try to revive the retail market! I don't know what it is about someone (or more like my bank balance) telling me that I can't spend any money, but I just get the sudden urge to remodel the kitchen, finish the bonus room and redecorate the kids rooms - all this weekend! What could I do to quench my desire for some retail therapy? I say it involves my laundry room piggy bank and my favorite overpriced clothing boutique and a pair of 7 for all mankind jeans! Bravo to me I have just done my part to stimulate the economy!

Friday, September 12, 2008

What's your Preppy Name

North Gorham Ives the Sixth But most people know you as Buffy

I'm cracking up at this one - it's funny because my "the name people know you as" is Buffy which is what my Uncle Charlie used to call me growing up! Who knew?

Thursday, September 11, 2008


One of my favorite lines from one of my fave movies (Steel Magnolias) is "The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize." Well I don't think we have to worry about Avery's ability to accessorize - last night after she was fast asleep, no doubt dreaming about her next fashionable conquest, I went in her room to turn off her lamp and out of the corner of my eye I noticed in the window seal she had lined up her trophies and had accessorized each player with a heart sticker - see photo. It just warms my heart to think about her ability to brighten her little world with some cheap heart stickers (I believe they are left over from Valentine's Day! Did I also mention that she is my little pack rat?)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Last night marked the beginning of Soccer season! The Sharks were unbeatable in their efforts! Avery scored a goal and promplty ran over to the stands and said - "Hey Momma I want to sign up to play soccer again next year!" I just wanted to say - ok what about the next 9 games are you up for them too? But I left the sarcasm off and just grinned and said "sure thing girly!" And since this is all about me, I guess I am officially a Soccer Mom!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Rock Bottom

What is your rock bottom? Mine is pretty much when there is no order - out of control laundry, kids not getting enough sleep, a week without a home cooked meal, no groceries in the pantry. Those are the things in my life that constitute rock bottom. In order to lift myself up from the "bottom" I just treat each task like eating an elephant - one piece at a time and in a matter of time my life becomes manageable again. For others they just wish that is what rock bottom meant. Over the course of our married life, rock bottom for Travis has gotten lower as time passes - and each bottom takes less time to reach. This past weekend held the lowest point yet - hit and run DUI. The consequenses for our family are uncertain but are not good. Upon reaching the bottom you hope that this is as bad as it gets - there is almost a certain amount of relief each time that bottom is reached because you have hope that the only way to go is up. My hope is that I am the Mother and Wife that God intends for me to be throughout this challenge. Keep us in your prayers.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Christian the Lion

Get out the tissues! I have cried until I can't breathe! Do you think I may need to call my therapist? Please check out this video, it is the most touching reunion story I have ever seen, and believe me, I am at home in time to watch Oprah and she ain't got nothin on this one!

I hope this works - you know I am technically challenged!

Friday, August 29, 2008


Haircut from Cutting Edge: $30
Highlights from Cutting Edge: $54
Eyebrow wax from Cutting Edge: $10

Being complimented on the "mold" on your face (aka a beauty mark): Priceless

Being asked if you want your lip waxed too: Priceless

Receiving Cut, Color, eyebrow wax from stylist with hairstyle that resembles a shi tzu: apparently $94

Lesson learned: Never impulsively request subtle highlights from an establishment that proudly states "Walk Ins Welcome" and specializes in the military buzz cut!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Being Daisy

Do you ever wish you were the dog? This morning as Tee was eating his gourmet breakfast of a frozen waffle (toasted of course!) we were observing the life of Daisy, the chihuahua! She sat on the floor waiting for a crumb - she knows who to sit by - with big ears perked and big eyes just watching, Tee says, "I wish I was Daisy!" I said me too Tee! She really has the life. So we went about naming all of the benefits of being Daisy. In no particular order, because really, when you've got it this good who really cares in which order you receive!
1) Sleeps as late as she wants and naps whenever she wants!
2) Gets to lick the floor - now this one only has significance to Tee since he has been a licker since birth - don't ask - I'm sure it stems from some neuroses I have passed along, the child is very tactile!
3) Even better than sleeping late - she sleeps right between Mommy and Daddy - now this one is the biggest benefit according to Tee.
4) She can play on the furniture - she only weighs 7 pounds so jumping up and down on the furniture is no big deal unless you are a 65 lb 8 year old!
5) No spankings - I mean really who could spank a 7 lb dog?
6) She gets to pee in the floor - once again only significant to Tee!
7) She gets more attention and affection than any one in the house, I mean who could deny her! I believe she is well aware that she has hit the doggy lottery!
8) She is completely unaware that she is the smallest "person" in the house or neighborhood for that matter! Who said denial is a bad thing?

So while we all go about being human all day, Daisy is at home enjoying the fruits of our labor! Thanks Daisy for inspiring us to be more like a dog! Who knew you were the missing member of our family?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Brett Farve - you can relax! David Beckham watch out!

Well, on a lighter note, Tee has decided to focus his athletic prowess on travel baseball this fall instead of football. We had been toying with the idea that he could do both, because you know that every 8 year old needs to have some sort of sports practice every day of the week! But after a much needed reality check, we decided that one sport per child per season is enough. So for this year, Brett Favre, your job is secure with the Jets, Tee is off the field - for now!

My sweet Avery - God Bless her, is trying her hand - or shall I say foot at soccer. Now no one at my house has ever played, coached, or even watched soccer so this one ought to be fun! She is all about accessories so I'm hoping that the shin guards and cute soccer ball hair ribbons will keep her focused on her game! She really is fast and aggressive on the baseball field, but she just really doesn't love it - so I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe, she will fall in love with it and can fulfill my desire to be a true soccer mom!

That's What Friends Are For

I know - I too have Dionne Warwick crooning in my head! I have experienced the most amazing outpouring of friendship over that past 48 hours. The phone calls, text messages, ya'll are just too much! I spent the majority of the first 10 years of my married life trying to make us look like one of the stickers you see on the back of a minivan - you know with the stick people - Mom, Dad, two kids and some sort of animal or two? But when you open the sliding van door - there's a whole bunch of crap that's just cluttering up the inside. We all have our clutter, some just more cluttered than others. Right now we are in the process of cleaning out the van. I got an encouraging phone call from Mr. Clutter this morning, he had been to church to see Charlie, the Celebrate Recovery pastor and so here we go - One Day at a Time...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

One Day at a Time...

Sometimes life throws you a curve! Most of those who read this blog are familiar with the hurts, habits and hangups that have plagued our family in the past. For those of you unfamiliar with 12 step speak - "Hurts, Habits and Hangups" are used to describe issues that keep us from living our lives to the fullest. Travis has struggled with his share of hangups over the years. About 2 years ago I decided that it was time to take our family in a different direction -at the same time my Mother in law decided to take her own life - needless to say it was a low point for the Adams family. The bright side to this dark time was that Travis decided to get a grip on his hangups and start living life one day at a time. The past two years have been a sort of rebuilding time for our family - we are by no means the Cleavers but we are as close to normal (happy and secure) as you can be. There are times when it is difficult for Travis to "walk the line" but he has managed to do it, until last night. I know that God has a plan for this family and I immediately hit my knees and asked him to show me the way. He has my attention now - there are so many questions I want to ask but I pray that I can be still and allow Him to lead me. I think God uses difficult times to show us that he is in control, my prayer is that I learn whatever lesson he has for me.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

1st Day of School

Well, today is the first day of school, which we meet with both excitement and anxiety! Of course we wouldn't be the Adams family without a little anxiety. Everyone was way beyond ready. Tee is very excited that he has Ms. Karen Ray - "the coolest teacher on the planet" according to Tee. And Avery is just excited to be somewhere besides K4!!! She is so ready to read and tie her shoes - two milestones she has been diligently working on this summer - between fighting with her brother and honing her fashion/makeup skills. She did agree to wear a hairbow today - the compromise was that it had to be fastened to the "messy bun" yet another skill she has been fine tuning this summer! Tee has spent his summer majoring in Playstation 3 and baseball - two skills I'm sure will serve him well in the 3rd grade. Needless to say we are glad to be back at school! Go Hornets!

PS - Meg Hiley gave me the biggest hug this morning when she saw me! It was just as sweet as hugging my own! Have a great year Meg - we look forward to seeing you at school!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Tag - You're It

Angela, Byron Bunko Babe - Andrea and if i can come up with 2 more that blog or that can add theirs to the Byron Bunko babe site I will do so!

I've Been Tagged!

My friend Amy Hiley has tagged me to list 6 things about myself that people don't already know. This is proving to be a difficult task for me since it takes about 5 minutes of being around me to know just about everything there is to know! So I'll try...

1) I never had a boyfriend in high school or college that I didn't cheat on! (this one has caused me to do some serious self evaluation!)

2) I was silently disappointed when I found out my first born was not a girl!(now everyone delete this one so that my precious Tee doesn't see it)

3) I obsessively check websites - foxnews, people, msn, etc - like maybe there might be some earth shattering event that has occured since the last time I checked 30 minutes before!

4) Speaking of obsessing - I feel guilty about almost everything I eat - I know I'm sure I need therapy over this one.

5) I have a Social Work degree - which I have never used in my career.

6) I traveled around Europe for 3 weeks after college - backpack, no bathing, Eurorail, hostel sleeping style - and have realized how much I underappreciated the whole experience - Youth is definitely wasted on the young!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Basket Case

I have a basket of clean laundry sitting in my living room floor. It has been there for about 4 days now. This basket has come to symbolize the state of my life. I just keep looking at it like maybe one day I will walk into the living room and the clothes will have magically folded themselves. No such luck. I decided yesterday after having a conversation with my amateur psychologist husband that maybe I'm in a somewhat depressed state! Travis refers to this as a minor depressive episode - his recommendation - get yourself together! Easy for him to say! So yesterday I went home and folded the clothes, maybe today I will put them away.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Clearly Technically Challenged

OK so I have put up a couple of photos and clearly I didn't intended for Daisy to take up much more room than my own flesh and blood children - it's just the way it came out! And speaking of photos - for you fellow celebrity gawkers - tune into on Sunday evening to see the Jolie-Pitt twinks - talk about hitting the genetic jackpot!

New Addition

Well bloggers - I have decided to try my hand at blogging! As all aspects of my life it is a work in progress. There are a couple of blogs I have gotten into lately and can only hope that my little stories and ideas can add some comic relief and validation for your craziness because I just don't think anyone is going to come to my blog for Angelina like advice on parenting and certainly not Dr. Phil like advice on marriage! I can only hope to carve out a little area out in cyber space for Rebecca's Ramblings.

More to come...